Sunday, April 17, 2011

Introductions are in order.

Well, I finally caved and have decided to begin my very own blog. This has been a long time coming as I have felt the need to keep a journal considering this very special time for E, C, and I. However, one thing some of you might know about me, is that my handwriting is so terrible that sometimes I can't even understand what I write. Thus, this blog which my wonderful mrs. created and made "manly" for me. This will differ from a normal blog I suppose in that if you are reading this, you are family or close friends - those whom my little fam and I hold most dear. Also, I'm not the best writer, so prepare for my random, incomplete, and sometimes personal thoughts and feelings when I have a moment of spare time from this place - good ol' IM Circle. I suppose a person is what they think about. Most of my thoughts center on the what I have appropriately titled this blog, and so the majority of my posts will probably be about them with little variation!
1) The two cuties that make up my family are my happiness and my refuge.

(Dude in the middle tries to keep up with his two beautiful ice hockey stars)

2) The cubbies are my hobby and my escape from work.

(One of the more beautiful places in the world, everyone should visit at some point)

3) Kinesiology (or exercise physiology) is my work and my way I hope to make a difference in other people's lives.

(Very cool stuff, so much too learn, so little time)
Although not reflected in the blog title, the gospel of Jesus Christ is probably the other theme that my family and I focus on - hopefully my occasionaly spiritual thought will not be too boring for you readers. Well that pretty much sums me up in a nutshell I suppose.

Normal? Perhaps.

Predictable? Probably.

Typical? Possibly.

But guess what? I'm one truly blessed man.